12 Easy Monster Drawing Ideas

Easy and Cute Monster Drawing Ideas

Sitting down in my local bookstore and coming up with easy and cute monster drawings was a lot of fun.

The basic idea behind all of these drawings is:

  1. Start with a shape
  2. Add some monster teeth
  3. Add more detail

That's it.

So without further ado, grab your pad and pencil and start sketching.

Blob Monster

Start with a blob shape and see what monster faces you can make.

Droplet/Fire Demon

Start this cheeky little demon off with a droplet shape, give it arms and then add its face.

I wanted to keep the face simple and let the fork he's holding do the scary work.

Winged Worm Monster

A flying worm sounds scary enough, but then give it those teeth, and you have one odd little creature.

I am happy this worm is smiling though.

Frankenbox Monster

Here is another example of starting with a simple shape and then adding to it one step at a time.

Eyeball Ant Monster

I did start this as a monster made up of just eyes but decided it would be fun to add a little ant body to it. 🐜

Bunny Monster

My daughter loves bunny rabbits.

This bunny monster looks like it is pulling an "awkward" face.

Goo Monster

Yep, just goo.

Those little double lines on the left make it look like it is shiny.

Flower Monster

I think this Flower creature looks pretty cute. I like it's root legs most of all.

Book Monster

This was inspired by the monster book in Harry Potter.

Batgirl Monster

The body of a girl with the head of a Bat demon.



I played Pacman as a kid on my Atari so this was naturally the first easy and cute monster I drew.

Is-it-a-Dragon Monster

This not-quite-a-dragon monster has the look of pomposity.

There you have it.

A few cute and easy to draw monsters to inspire your next monster doodles.