22 Cute & Easy Cat Drawing Ideas 🐈

Hey everyone and welcome to the blog 👋🏼

In this week's post, I have a collection of 22 cute and easy cat drawings designed to inspire you and give you ideas for your next doodles and sketches.

OMG these cat drawings are cute

This is the face I am hoping you will pull when you see my cat drawings ideas 😂 My favourite part of this cat is his wirey whiskers.

Simple Cat Doodles

The best bit about these two kitties is how simple they are to draw. Start with the body shape, add a tail, then add the face...the extras are optional.

Cool Cat

My black cat 'Stewie' often gives off these vibes when sitting in a sunny part of our garden.

Simple Catfish Doodle

I wanted to create a basic drawing of a catfish that my 5-year-old daughter could easily copy - success ✅


I have to admit that I love puns. This doodle is based on the word 'catastrophe' - I divided the word up into 3 and drew it.

I suppose if you have to explain a joke then it's not funny...

Cat in a Box

Our cat Cookie LOVES boxes. If there is a box anywhere in the house you can bet that he will jump into it.

This was the view when he jumped into an Amazon box recently; two little ears poking out with his paws over the edge - TOO CUTE!

Is it a sheep or is it a cat-cloud?

I wanted to draw a cloud with a cat face on it. Then I gave it legs which I now see stopped it from looking like a cloud and more like a cat-sheep.

I'm fine with that a cat-sheep would be so cute!

Oh, Meow Gosh!

I wanted to draw a cartoon cat that was pulling a face that would fit the words "Oh Meow Gosh". Job done.

Catman and Catwoman

I am a big fan of Superhero movies. All things comics too.

I wondered what a Catman and Catwoman would look like if I made them easy to draw. I purposefully made them a little bit "normal" looking. More like 2 cats in cosplay.

Shhh She's Sleeping

I think cats are at their cutest when they curl up into a little ball and go to sleep.

As both our cats are black (well mostly) when they curl up you can only seem to make out their tails and eyes.

Here's a simple drawing of one of my cats sleeping.


Yes, it is another pun 😂

This cat has injured her tail and is feeling very sorry for herself. When she meows it only seems to come out as "Me Ow". Poor little thing.

Kids Book Kitty

I wanted to draw a kitty that would look perfect in a young children's book. I am thinking of a 1-3-year-old picture book.

I think this little kitty might just be my favourite.

Cat from a shape

I enjoy picking out drawings from blobs of colour. I used to do it with fingerprints when I was a child.

This is how I would imply a cat from two shapes and only a few lines.

Slinky Malinky

All three of my kids have loved the Hairy MacClary books. In those books, there is a cat called Slinky Malinky. This is my homage to that cat.

Aw, the Kitten is Asleep

When we got our cat Cookie he was very young (abandoned in a car park) so he was also very small.

When he would fall asleep he looked just like this 🥰

It Wasn't Me!

I don't know about you but I do not believe that this cat is entirely innocent. I think the whistling makes him look guilty.

Flower Cat

This idea popped into my head as I was falling asleep one night. A flower with the head of a cat.

Just a Cats Face

I am always intrigued as to how you can "capture" the essence of something with very little else.

In this case, I have captured a cat with only a few lines. Even if you draw a box around it it will still look like a cat 🤘🏼

Short Round

The Goonies was one of my favourite movies as a kid. One of the characters was called 'Short Round'.

I wanted to create a cat with that name. I imagine that when he walks you can hear little bells jingling.

Box Cat

This cat is made out of cardboard boxes. That's why she is square.

This Cat is So Pleased With Herself

Cats do seem to be very pleased with themselves quite a lot of the time.

This drawing is dedicated to all those cats who slowly walk up to you, sit down, and with an-almost-smile they close their eyes.


I love these types of doodles - simple, clean, easy & cute!

Especially this simple cat nose which is a "w". I probably should have put this at the top of the post as it is one of the easiest...oh well.

Cat Drawing Ideas ✅

There you have it, my 22 easy and cute cat drawing ideas.

I really enjoyed drawing these and I hope that you found some inspiration for your next cat doodle.

You might like my Duck Drawing Ideas 🦆 & my Dog Drawing Ideas too!